When You Feel Sad, When You´re In A Bad Mood
Some Songs For You...For staying alive, for living your dreams, for dreaming your life

Choose a song by clicking the number:

01 - It´s Your Day - Waltz     05:19
02 - Brother Lionheart - A Fairytale Song    04:22
03 - Memories Of You - For all people in love    07:43
04 - The Way I See You - A sad song for a sad mood    06:39
05 - Tina´s Song - A song, composed a very long time ago    02:50
06 - Street Of Loneliness - You feel alone?    04:54
07 - Lovestory - My favourite "lovesong", a "real" lovesong    05:40
08 - Tears - You lost someone? Someone very special?    05:21
09 - Open Land - Walking, alone, somewhere in this world     08:48
10 - Fairyland - Just close your eyes and listen to this...    07:38
11 - Epos - Endscene-Title of a game. Sad...    06:08
12 - Highland Rain - See the rain, the clouds, the tears    06:26
13- Bleeding Hearts - Such "bleeding hearts" - hurted...    04:33
14 - Autumn Rain - You remember all the beloved people you´ve already lost?    04:55
15 - Tubbs & Valérie 2 - A lovesong for all of you    07:26


All songs are (re)written, (re)composed and most (C) copyright 1990 - 2008 by Markus Siebold
Unauthorized reproduction, links or copies, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance, broadcasting and downloading prohibited